
The Role of Photography

Photography amplifies the people within the Coupa community and all their noteworthy contributions and accomplishments. At its core, this art form humanizes Coupa’s content and stories. Whether it captures a collective scene or the subtlety of someone’s hand, photography breathes life into our content and creates memorable impressions.

It also plays a pivotal role in realizing our goals of fostering meaningful human connections. When showcasing the wealth of ideas and perspectives that thrive within our community, it’s important to embrace diversity and inclusivity when selecting models and scenes.

Photography Usage

Choosing photography should always be centered around our customers and the community we build along the way. Try to use customer photography that amplifies their brand and who they are as a company If that’s not available, use candid stock images that are centered around people, community and positivity. Try to stay away from busy images, or anything that looks too staged and cheesy. Focus on imagery that’s easy to understand.


Headshots are meant to showcase the person in the best light possible. We crop our headshots inside of circles to bring focus to the individual and not the scene. We have two styles of crop: fully inside the circle and breaking the frame. Breaking the frame only works with a certain photo quality and must be cut out in an accurate and clean way.